Super boost wifi booster
Super boost wifi booster

Let’s first debunk some of this nonsense (all over again, as with some of the other heavily marketed boosters), before giving a realistic picture of what boosters like the RangeXTD can and cannot do well, before finally turning to some other home networking solutions you can use for better connectivity in the home. My personal suggestion if you’d like to try out a Wi-Fi booster is to get a reputable, well reviewed model from a well known brand, or else use an alternative home networking product like a powerline adapter or Wi-Fi Mesh System, depending on your specific needs (gaming, streaming, or light browsing). It just doesn’t help when people are making dubious, scammy claims to market a product, and using landing pages and pricing policies and sometimes the same basic product as the year before, just under a different name. Nevertheless, I’m not gonna take away from the fact that Wi-Fi boosters can work for some people in overcoming Wi-Fi “deadzones” in the home and delivering better bandwidth at distance from the main router. Once you’ve reviewed a couple of these, like I have on this site, you can spot another one straight away as soon as an advert loads (It’s just another one of “those” Wi-Fi booster promos). Some of the marketing claims around the RangeXTD are also dubious, and undermine the credibility of the sellers.Īlso the fact that all these Wi-Fi booster adverts seem to feature the same basic content, the same nonsense narratives, and the same pricing and even sometimes the same generic product, doesn’t really help to dispel the impression that it’s a bit scammy, even though it may well give great performance for some users. However, performance of these Wi-Fi extenders is always variable and not all users will get satisfactory results. The RangeXTD is a generic Wi-Fi booster, and like any other model, it can work very well for some users in delivering a better wireless signal over a larger area. It’s the latest off the Wi-Fi booster marketing conveyor belt, and it’s exactly the same as I saw in 20 with the Super Boost Wi-Fi and the Ultra Boost Wi-Fi/Ultra Wi-Fi Proīut the first thing readers want to know is is it any good? Are the marketing claims made about it legit or a scam? They all use pretty much the same marketing tactics, and as far as I can tell, are using the same generic Wi-Fi booster model, or very similar ones at least. Every year at least once or twice, I get another one of these Wi-Fi booster adverts that shows up as a YouTube ad.

Super boost wifi booster